Last updated 4 years ago
see an apache solr GET/POST to /select ? Set the 'q' parameter to the following for an XXE injection: /select?q={!xmlparser v='<!DOCTYPE a SYSTEM ""><a></a>'} -… #BugBounty
#bugbountytip Company fixed an XXE by blocking arbitrary URL(s) to grab an SVG? Try & bypass it by embedding the SVG using the Data URI protocol handler [_PAYLOAD], most of the time it would work! #BugBounty #TogetherWeHitHarder #infosec #infosecurity
XXE by injecting METADATA in Image bytes --> Blind SSRF via local dtd --> grabbed AWS EC2 credentials blindly --> Powned #bugbountytips #bugbountytip site fills in personal info by uploading cv & parsing. Accepted docx, pdf, etc. 1. Unzip docx & edit word/document.xml 3. Add <!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY % xxe SYSTEM ""> %xxe;]> 3. Upload 4. Profit! #BugBounty
#BugBountyTip time: when you see a POST request made with JSON, convert this to XML and test for XXE. You can use "Content-type converter" extension on@Burp_Suite to do achieve this!
change password func -> JSON
converted to XML -> 200 OK
created dtd file on my ec2 and started webserver on port 80
crafted a XXE payload!
Always convert POST/PUT/PATCH body to xml and resend req, don't forget to change the content-type.